Thursday, December 30, 2021

About Eric Hoffer, "The True Believer." An open letter to my friends.

Hoffer was a longshoreman who went on his first vacation with little money, so he bought the biggest book he could find in a used book store.

It was a philosophy book, and that was the start of his career as a philosophy professor in a college and writing popular books about the subject. Hoffer's book "The True Believer," is very relevant to what we can all see happening in the world today, the hostility of the right and left and the suggestion that we had best just divide the country and the world up to stop the fighting, as if boarders have ever done that.

 It's clear something has to happen. It occurs to me the 12-steps might be our way out, a support group for all political junkies (we know who we are and often call ourselves by that name)who have allowed belief in some form of government to replace belief in a higher power, what some call God and what I choose to call God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, the three in one, on those rare occasions when I call upon God at all.

 This idea of a support group for burnt out political fanatics has grown out of the last 20+ years of work on the problem as a Republican and then nearly 20 years as a Democrat and at times an Unaffiliated voter.

 What do you think of the idea of Partisan's Anonymous? Would you attend an organizational meeting for such a thing? Call and give me your yea, your maybe, or your nay, along with any suggestions for the name, our meeting format for the first meeting, or any other thoughts you would care to share.

If you ask me to keep your thoughts just between me and you I certainly will. Call me now, please, while it's on your mind, OK? Thanks!

 John Wren (303)861-1447

Why Kansas? I hope to find a Kansas state chair as we start here in Denver.